List of regenerative practices

Together with experts from the Climate Coalition and European Carbon Farmers, we have developed a list of regenerative practices that help prevent climate change and reduce the vulnerability of farms to the effects of global warming.

Regenerative practices are all activities of farmers that lead to the restoration of nature’s cycles, improvement of soil fertility and water status, increase of biodiversity and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. They are an integral part of the sustainable agriculture model, which aims to reduce the impact of agriculture on the environment, while maintaining the profitability of agricultural production and social acceptance at the same time.

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Key regenerative practices include:

  • precise use of production means such as fertilizers, plant protection products, machines or seeds
  • prudent soil managementand no tillage
  • covering soil with vegetation all year round by adding cover crops to crop rotation
  • biodiversity development in the field, its outskirts and the entire farm
  • appropriate use of the terrain around the farm, e.g. exclusion of permanent wetland areas from cultivation