Sowing and Planting

Quality of seed/planting stock

Whether the seed used for sowing is self-propagated or purchased certified material, it should be as clean as possible. Seed purity (absence of dust, broken or damaged seeds, weed seeds; in the case of seedlings, good health and vigour; in the case of seed potatoes, the health of the tubers, absence of symptoms of disease or pests) is an absolute requirement in order to prevent the introduction of unwanted pathogens into the soil.

Sometimes these may be weed species that are not present in our fields, but if introduced there they can become invasive plants that are difficult to control. The presence of seeds, tubers or seedlings infected by fungi or bacteria is a source of infection for healthy plants, resulting in the need for disease control and often an inevitable deterioration in crop height and quality. Seed or seedlings treated with a good seed treatment will avoid infestation by certain diseases or pests, thus significantly reducing the use of plant protection products during the growing season. In many cases, foliar treatments are significantly less effective in reducing pathogens than a suitable seed treatment. The treatment of seeds or seedlings itself, if we do not have the right equipment for this, is better left to a professional company, which will ensure the quality and effectiveness of this treatment, excluding the risk of mistakes. It is also important to remember to choose the right seed treatment to suit your needs, and similar care should be required of the seller offering you treated seed. Seed containing a plant protection product should be handled in a similar way to a plant protection product. It should be stored out of the reach of unauthorised persons, especially children, in a cool, dry and well-ventilated area in such a way as to prevent the seed dressing from entering watercourses and bodies of water.