Health and safety

Telephone numbers for emergency services

A list of emergency numbers for emergency and communal services shall be prominently displayed at sensitive points on the farm and farm premises, as identified in the risk analysis.

The list should include the following services:

  • 112 – Emergency Call Centre (CPR)
  • 997 – Police
  • 998 – Fire brigade
  • 999 – Emergency services
  • 991 – Electricity emergency service
  • 992 – Gas emergency service
  • 993 – Heating emergency service
  • 994 – Water and Sewerage Emergency Service
  • 987 – Crisis Management Centre (CZK)

In the case of CPR notifications (telephone 112), suitably trained operators collect all the necessary information during a conversation with the reporting persons and enter it immediately into the IT system and then transmit it to the relevant services.

The list of emergency telephones should also include the relevant provincial, district and municipal Crisis Management Centre. Their telephone numbers are available on the CZK website.

The list can be supplemented with the telephone number of the nearest doctor or health centre and, in the case of a plant protection storage facility, it is worth adding the telephone number of the nearest toxicology centre.