The management of soil nutrients requires knowledge on their contents (soil richness), change dynamics and availability. It also requires knowledge on the functions of the fundamental factors determining the effectiveness of crop nutrition (water, pH, organic matter) and their mutual relationships.
Soil richness in nutrients depends on its mineral content, the structure of grain fractions, the quantity and quality of organic matter, the soil reaction (pH), and the sorption properties along with the ionic composition of the sorption complex. Soil richness resulting from natural soil-forming processes is natural richness. Soil richness generated by humans through cultivation and fertilisation is agrotechnical richness. All the soil components have a specific availability to plants, which depends on a number of factors. Besides water availability, pH and temperature, it may also be dependent on their species. Therefore, it is possible to distinguish general richness, i.e. the total amount of nutrients in the soil, and richness in substances absorbed by concrete species or even during concrete developmental stages of the plants involved.
The area of “Nutrient Management” currently offers access to the following lectures:
- Effective Nutrient Management
- Analysing and Balancing Fertilisation Needs Always Pays
- The Base for Crop Production – Basic Mineral Fertilisation of Soil
- Savings Thanks to Complementary and Precision Fertilisation
- Organic Good – Animal Fertilisers
- The Organic Good – Other Fertilisers
- Safe Warehousing And Application of Fertilisers