The Sustainable Agriculture Guide has been developed with input from Poland’s leading experts in a wide range of agricultural, climatological, social and financial fields.
It is a comprehensive compendium of knowledge on sustainable agriculture. The content of the Guide will be updated on an on-going basis, in line with developments in available knowledge, technologies and regulations. The aim of the Guide is to provide farmers and other interested parties with the most complete and competent knowledge possible of what sustainable agriculture is and how it can be practically implemented.
This Sustainable Agriculture Guide has been produced exclusively for the Association for Sustainable Agriculture & Food in Poland as a result of the work of the team of co-authors and editors listed below.
Co-authors: Andrzej Bieganowski, Prof., Małgorzata Bojańczyk, M.Sc., Artur Godyń, PhD, Grzegorz Doruchowski, PhD, Jakub Kempczyński, M.Sc., Leszek Kiełtyka, M.Sc., Jerzy Kozyra, Prof., Robert Kupczyński, Prof., Dawid Olewnicki, PhD, Jerzy Próchnicki, PhD, Stanisław Samborski, PhD, Grzegorz Siebielec, PhD, Magdalena Szymura, PhD, Rafał Wawer, PhD, Monika Wańkowicz, M.Sc., Anna Wittbrodt, M.Sc., Paweł Ziółkowski, M.Sc,
Editorial team: Jerzy Próchnicki, PhD – Chief Editor, Stefan Pruszyński, Prof. – Editor, Andrzej Moch, M.Sc. – Editor, Dariusz Rutkowski, M.Sc. – Editor, Marcin Sokołowski, M.Sc. – Editor, Artur Dominiak, M.Sc. – Editor.
A huge thank you to the many members of the Association supporting the creation of the Sustainable Agriculture Guide with their comments and suggestions. The publication is covered by copyright. All rights reserved. Unauthorised distribution of all or part of this publication in any form is prohibited. Photocopying, photographing or copying of the publication on film, magnetic or other media infringes the copyright of this publication.
The translation of the “The Sustainable Agriculture Guide” was co-financed by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Poland.