It is not safe to work with agricultural chemicals and waste, so workers need to be adequately trained, especially for unwanted events that threaten the health of people, animals and the environment.
The prevention of such incidents is dedicated to health and safety training, which applies to all farm workers. The farmer performs many jobs that require different skills while causing numerous health risks. It is the duty of every farmer to ensure safe and hygienic working conditions for himself and his colleagues in order to avoid accidents and occupational diseases. This obligation, in the form of ensuring that employees receive initial and periodic training in occupational health and safety, to the extent appropriate to the type of work carried out and the job position, derives from the Labour Code. During the training, the employee acquires, updates or supplements knowledge and skills concerning the performance of work and behaviour at the workplace in a manner that is in compliance with the regulations and principles of occupational safety and health.
Records of training should be kept on the farm, including information on dates and programmes of training and lecturers. Attendance lists of trainees should be available.
See the lessons of Area 15: Health and safety for more information.