Health and safety

First-aid kit

During the risk analysis, workplaces are identified where first-aid points and emergency countermeasures should be provided. These measures include adequately and completely equipped first-aid kits and fire-fighting equipment.

The locations of first-aid kits, as well as their marking and operation, are referred to in § 44 of the Ordinance of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy of 26 September 1997 on general health and safety at work regulations (Journal of Laws 2003 No 169, item 1650). First-aid points and locations of first-aid kits should be marked in accordance with the PN-ISO 7010:2012 standard – “Medical first-aid” (white cross on a green field) and should be easily accessible.

The contents of the first-aid kit should be tailored to the specifics of the job and be derived from the risk analysis for that job and should be agreed with the Health and Safety Officer. It should include at least:

  • disposable, heavy-duty vinyl or latex gloves,
  • a mask for artificial respiration,
  • sterile swabs and gauze of various sizes,
  • moistened wipes for wound decontamination,
  • elastic and knitted bandages of various sizes,
  • personal dressings,
  • triangular slings,
  • slices,
  • safety pins,
  • rescue scissors,
  • NCR thermal blanket,
  • eye wash kit,
  • instructions on how to give first-aid with emergency numbers.

In areas of increased exposure, the following may also be useful:

  • various sizes of dressing mesh (Codofix),
  • hydrogel dressings for burns,
  • Kramer splint,

orthopaedic collar. The first-aid kits have a list of contents. The contents of the first-aid kits are checked and replenished as necessary by the responsible employee according to the current consumption of the items in the first-aid kit. Expiry date items are replaced periodically. First-aid kits must not be stocked with any medicines, including over-the-counter medicines such as painkillers), stomach or heart drops or salicylic spirit.