Farm Management
- 4.0. Benefits of good farm management
- 4.1. Farm strategy
- 4.2. History of land use
- 4.3. Technical equipment and the nature of production
- 4.4. Professional advice
- 4.5. Supply and sales markets
- 4.6. Production and management education
- 4.7. The need for a risk assessment for workplaces
- 4.8. Planning of farm activities
- 4.9. Risks to farm operations
- 4.10. Impact of the farm's activities on the environment and the local community
- 4.11. Sustainable farm production
- 4.12. Soil and climate
- 4.13. Building soil fertility
- 4.15. Animal welfare
- 4.14. Crop rotation
- 4.16. Decision support systems
- 4.17. Inspection and repair of mechanical equipment
- What is sustainable agriculture?
- Common Agricultural Policy – financing
- Sustainable Agriculture Guide
- Rationale and instruments for making Europe’s economy sustainable
- Legal compliance
- Financial stability
- What is financial stability?
- Glossary
- Reasons for loss of financial stability
- Importance of business planning
- Planning principles and most common mistakes
- Agricultural risks
- Knowledge and documentation to help achieve financial stability
- Calculation of labour costs for family members
- Documentation of fields, crops and treatments carried out on them
- Documentation of the results obtained, their quantity and the quality of production
- Documentation of production costs with external services
- Improving the profitability of the farm and the use of advice in this respect
- Farm Management
- Benefits of good farm management
- Farm strategy
- History of land use
- Technical equipment and the nature of production
- Professional advice
- Supply and sales markets
- Production and management education
- The need for a risk assessment for workplaces
- Planning of farm activities
- Risks to farm operations
- Impact of the farm’s activities on the environment and the local community
- Sustainable farm production
- Soil and climate
- Building soil fertility
- Animal welfare
- Crop rotation
- Decision support systems
- Inspection and repair of mechanical equipment
- Sowing and Planting
- Benefits of proper sowing and planting
- Supply of seed/planting stock
- Uncertified material for sowing/planting
- Quality of seed/planting stock
- Agrotechnical deadlines
- Optimising the selection of crops and their varieties
- Selection of plant varieties and market outlets
- Plant succession
- Optimum plant density
- Genetically modified plants
- Growing or presence of atypical plants
- Invasive species for Poland
- Soil Management
- Nutrient Management
- Effective nutrient management
- Testing of soil for macro- and micronutrient content, organic matter content and pH
- Regulation of soil pH
- Determination of mineral fertilisation rates
- Fertiliser balance
- Characteristics of mineral fertilisers and their availability to plants
- Foliar fertilisation
- Precision fertilisation
- Sources of fertilisers
- Organic fertilisers of animal origin
- Use of zoonotic fertilisers
- Other organic fertilisers
- Storage and disposal of organic fertilisers
- Use of municipal sewage sludge
- Mineral fertiliser storage
- Application of fertilisers
- Analysis of the risk of water pollution, impact on the environment and consumers
- Professional fertiliser advice
- Plant protection
- Crop protection means secure yields
- Integrated Plant Protection
- Fertilisers or growth promoters that are informal plant protection products
- Proper use of plant protection products
- Implementation of the protection measure
- Sources of crop infection
- Thresholds of the economic harmfulness of pests
- Agrophage control
- Decision-support systems in plant protection
- Reduced effectiveness of plant protection products and development of resistance in agrophages
- Use of APCs from different chemical groups
- Protection of biodiversity in and around chemically protected areas
- Documentation of the rationale for plant protection measures
- Approved PPPs
- PPPs prohibited by law
- Location and documentation of the purchase of PPPs
- Rules for transporting PPPs
- Rules for storing PPPs
- Location of the PPP warehouse
- Construction of the PPP warehouse
- Equipment of the PPP warehouse
- Security of the PPP warehouse
- Personal protective equipment and emergencies
- Buffer zones
- Protection against local contamination
- Dealing with empty PPP containers
- Residues of PPPs in agricultural products
- Agricultural chemicals and waste management
- Chemicalisation of agriculture
- Training on the prevention of hazardous events
- Risk assessment for workplaces
- Personal protective equipment
- Professional advice on the safe use of PPPs
- Checking the efficiency of the field sprayer
- Periodic inspection of chemical treatment equipment
- Calibration of chemical treatment equipment
- Contact with plant protection products – Hazards and necessary measures
- Operation and calibration of the fertiliser spreader
- Risks associated with using fertilisers
- Procedures in case of hazardous incidents with fertilisers
- Securing equipment after the season
- Fuel storage facility – organisation and signage
- Leaking fuel storage, fuel-contaminated soil, ‘burnt’ oil, used lubricants, filters, hoses, etc.
- Waste generated on the farm
- Limiting the production of agricultural waste and washings
- Waste suitable for recycling and use in agricultural production
- Agricultural waste not suitable for re-use in agricultural
- Organic fertilisers arising from the production process
- Hazards associated with waste from agricultural chemicals
- Handling packaging of mineral fertilisers and other agricultural inputs
- Handling residues, water contaminated with PPPs, expired products, clothing contaminated with PPPs, lubricants, fuel and fertilisers
- Handling residues, water contaminated with PPPs, expired products, clothing contaminated with PPPs, lubricants, fuel and fertilisers
- Hazardous waste warehouse
- Risk assessment for the waste warehouse
- Units for the disposal of hazardous waste
- Incineration of waste
- Water Management
- Yield-forming water management
- Water retention in an agricultural landscape
- Water sources for irrigation
- Water permit
- Irrigation water – potential risks
- Quality of irrigation water
- Actual crop water requirements depending on development stage, practical crop water needs
- Optimisation of water consumption
- Choice of irrigation system and time of activation
- Rainwater utilisation
- Water treatment
- Water accumulation in the soil depending on the type of soil profile
- Evaporation from soil and plants
- Water in frozen or flooded soil
- Areas of the farm at risk of surface run-off
- Prevention of surface run-off
- Greening zones (grassed) to prevent surface run-off
- Waste water on the farm
- Management of water contaminated with plant protection products, fuel and fertilisers
- Biodiversity
- Rich living environment
- The importance of biodiversity for the functioning of agricultural production
- Links between integrated pest management and biodiversity
- Conservation zones (e.g. Natura 2000) and protected areas and their buffer zones
- Animal and plant habitats
- Restoration of former and creation of new nesting/habitat sites for birds, small mammals, reptiles, amphibians, insects and other invertebrates
- Abandonment of land of value for beneficial organisms
- Legality of wasteland decommissioning and biodiversity measures
- On-farm biodiversity monitoring
- Positive and negative effects of the presence of identified animals and plants
- Professional environmental and biodiversity advice
- Maintaining / improving biodiversity
- Chemicalisation of agriculture and the protection of biodiversity (e.g. pollinators, aquatic organisms, birds)
- Air and greenhouse gas emissions
- Air and greenhouse gas emissions
- Air pollution caused by agricultural activities
- Energy consumption for agricultural production
- Reducing carbon dioxide production from fuels
- Machine aggregation
- Soil movement
- Renewable energy
- Sites of formation of harmful gases H2S, NH3, SO2 and greenhouse gases CO2, CH4, NOx
- Monitoring and recording of greenhouse gases on the farm
- Emissions of nitrogen compounds due to improper storage of organic fertilisers
- Air purification from livestock buildings
- Optimising the use of energy-intensive products, e.g. nitrogen fertilisers
- Ploughing in of livestock manures and top dressing of liquid organic fertilisers
- Increase in soil bound carbon content
- Air pollution from agricultural chemicals
- Air dustiness
- Market access
- Market access
- Farm budget planning based on market knowledge
- Integration of agricultural risk into production planning
- Crop quality and production value
- Production and storage procedures for crops
- Means of production and agreeing production procedures with the recipient of the products
- Responsibility for the quality and safety of the food produced
- Farm production safety (biological, chemical, physical contamination)
- Critical points for food safety and quality
- Training of employees to ensure quality production
- Documentation of farm operations and input purchases
- Batch production process
- Production certification
- Organisation of product sales
- Negotiation and communication competence
- Working conditions
- Labour laws and regulations concerning employee organisations
- Determination of employees’ working and pay conditions
- Employee compensation
- Employment of young people
- Administrative penalties
- Prevention of discrimination
- Prevention of mobbing
- Individual needs and limitations of employees
- Work-related health issues
- Health insurance
- Employee education
- Employee communication
- Employment of foreigners
- Motivating employees
- Records of disciplinary penalties
- Health and safety
- Occupational health and safety
- Application of labour legislation
- Risk assessment for individual workplaces
- Procedures to deal with adverse events
- Handling of accidents
- Employee health and safety training
- Periodic occupational health examinations
- Release to work
- Pre-work training
- Signs warning workers of hazards
- Working at heights
- Optimising production processes to reduce employee exposure to accidents
- First-aid kit
- First-aid training
- Fire-fighting equipment
- Telephone numbers for emergency services
- Eye washing equipment
- Work and protective clothing and equipment
- Disease prevention
- Personal hygiene, preventive vaccinations and health programmes
- Residence of workers on the farm
- Local Community
- Animal production
- Animal production
- Animal welfare
- The consumer vs. animal welfare
- Elements of well-being and the “List of Five Freedoms”
- Indicators for assessing animal welfare
- Welfare Quality®
- Welfare of poultry
- Welfare of pigs
- Welfare of cattle
- Bio-security in animal husbandry
- Bio-assurance tasks
- Location of the farm
- Technology and personnel hygiene
- Staff hygiene and control of farm visits
- Quarantine
- Control of unwanted animals
- Black and white system security
- Good practices related to bio-security rules:
- Key factors limiting the effectiveness of bio-security programmes
- Treatment of animals
- Principles of antibiotic use in animal husbandry
- Effect of antibiotics
- Problems and risks associated with the use of antibiotics
- Veterinary medicines and principles of their use in the treatment of livestock
- The food chain
- Prevention of antibiotic resistance
- Types of antibiotic resistance
- Causes and mechanisms of antibiotic resistance
- Effects of antibiotic resistance
- Antibiotic therapy in agriculture
- Principles of antibiotic therapy in animal production
- Monitoring antibiotic consumption
- Good practices – reducing the use of antibiotics
- Livestock Need Feed
- The place of animal feeding in a sustainable farm
- Sustainable cattle feeding
- Sustainable feeding of swine
- Sustainable poultry feeding
- Summary
- Emissions in the supply chain of food companies in Poland