Health and safety

Procedures to deal with adverse events

As well as being in writing, emergency procedures are expressed in key respects by means of warning, information and prohibition, order and safety signs. The signs used on the farm are standardised and present their meaning through universally and intuitively understandable symbols.

The scope of the information provided by the signs used, which should be easily understood also by non-native speakers, should cover the issues included in the procedures, i.e. the location of sources of danger and places and objects relevant for safety and rescue, evacuation routes, prohibited behaviour, selection of measures and procedures to reduce risks and/or minimise damage from accidents and dangerous situations, use of protective measures against harmful, noxious and dangerous agents. Other information that is part of the procedures, concerning the identification of the holding, contact persons and emergency telephone numbers, should be prominently displayed, visible and given in an unambiguous manner (e.g. using symbols).

Procedures for dealing with emergencies, such as accidents and incidents, should take into account all hazards identified in the risk assessment carried out for the production process and individual workplaces, specific to the activities carried out on the farm. They should be permanent and documented and therefore in writing.

Written procedures for dealing with accidents and dangerous situations should be available in a conspicuous place for workers, subcontractors and suppliers and receivers of goods, visitors or inspectors visiting the farm. They should be written in the language prevailing among the workers and/or in the form of pictograms understood also by foreigners.

The procedures should address the issues contained in the risk analysis by identifying the following:

  • the address of the holding and the name of the post to which the procedures relate,
  • the person or persons to be contacted in the event of an accident or dangerous situation,
  • the location of critical points that may pose a risk to the safety and health of workers,
  • identify preventive measures and actions to counteract and limit the effects of emergencies that do occur,
  • a list of current telephone numbers of the following services: police, fire brigade, ambulance, hospital, toxicology centres, emergency medical assistance on site or with travel, electricity, water and gas suppliers,
  • location and method of emergency shutdown of electricity, water and gas supply,
  • location of the nearest telephone,
  • how to communicate with the emergency services, including in particular the health, life and property rescue services (e.g. the need to give precise information about: WHERE did it happen? WHAT happened? HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE INJURED? WHAT IS THE NATURE OF THE DAMAGES, especially BODILY INJURIES? WHO is calling?),
  • location of fire extinguishers,
  • emergency exits.

Information about the procedures and their availability should be communicated to all persons associated with the farm operation, including subcontractors and visitors. The full content of the procedures should be presented to employed staff during any health and safety training.

Procedures should be reviewed annually and updated if there are changes in the risk assessment.