The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has been in place since 1962 as one of the most important areas of common actions of EU Members, which receives approx. 38% of the EU budget. Poland earmarked approx. 32 billion Euros for this purpose in the years 2014-2020.
The CAP aims to support farmers in rural development, market operations and direct payments.
The idea of the CAP assumes support for farmers and improvements of farming efficiency by ensuring stable food supplies at affordable prices. It concentrates on providing EU farmers with adequate standard of living, as well as supporting sustainable management of natural resources and counteracting climate change. It is essential to cultivate the rural economy by promoting employment in agriculture, the agro-food industry and related sectors.
Economic sustainability in the CAP is supposed to be achieved by:
- supporting the means of farmers’ support by implementing a fair system of income supports and achieving greater equality in the supply chain of agro-food products;
- strengthening the links between income supports and environmental protection measures thanks to respecting the principle of cross-compliance and payments for greening;
- providing support for rural development, so that environmental investments and practices are economically sustainable for farmers.
More on the Common Agricultural Policy.