Health and safety

Personal hygiene, preventive vaccinations and health programmes

Prevention in its broadest sense is the most effective form of minimising the risk of emergencies, accidents at work and occupational diseases. The employer is obliged to motivate employees to take preventive and health-promoting measures by making them aware that this is in their own interest.

The issues of personal hygiene, preventive vaccination and use of health programmes are addressed:

  • interviews with recruited staff,
  • discussions during staff briefings,
  • health and safety training programme,
  • in-service training programme,
  • information charts showing the principles of personal hygiene in areas that serve as sanitary facilities,
  • posters promoting a hygienic and healthy lifestyle displayed in the crew’s social areas.

An effective incentive for preventive measures is funding or various forms of non-cash bonuses for employees who undergo preventive vaccinations, participate in health programmes and lead healthy and active lifestyles.