Agricultural chemicals and waste management

Agricultural waste not suitable for re-use in agricultural

Farms produce waste directly related to agricultural production, as well as waste of a domestic and communal nature (related to the operation of buildings and human work and residence). Most of the residues from agricultural activities, of natural origin, are used in agricultural production.

The situation is different for residues of unnatural origin. Most of them have no use on the farm and should be treated as waste.

Waste of natural origin that cannot be processed on the farm includes dead or necessarily slaughtered animals.

According to the regulations, every farmer is obliged to dispose of dead animals regardless of what caused the demise (illness, old age) or they have been killed and are not suitable as food.

In the case of a dead animal, in order to transfer the waste, it is necessary to report this fact to a waste disposal facility that has a contract with the Agency for the Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture (a list of companies can be found at: ). In accordance with the procedures in force, ARMA may provide aid to small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises to subsidise the costs of collecting, transporting and rendering harmless fallen cattle, sheep, goats, horses and pigs.

Natural mineral waste such as stones collected from fields can be used to repair and pave roads and yards.