The aim of chemical plant protection measures is to reduce the number of pests to a level that does not pose a threat to crop yields, while it is the responsibility of the operator to avoid negative side-effects, such as the eradication of beneficial organisms (parasites, predators, pollinators) and other non-target species.
The preservation of biodiversity is the responsibility of every farmer and therefore the use of chemical methods should be kept to a minimum by selecting the least environmentally hazardous plant protection products and preventing spray drift onto neighbouring crops and the surrounding environment. Read more about beneficial organisms in the agricultural environment at: Organisms_positive_in_the_agricultural_environment.pdf ( . The possible negative impact of agrotechnology on biodiversity is well known, but refuge environments, habitats, e.g. woodlots, bushland, swamps etc. in the agricultural landscape can offset the decline in biodiversity caused by the intensification of agricultural production. In order to increase the efficiency of production, agriculture is simplifying the cropping structure, eliminating undesirable species and creating easily mechanically cultivated large fields. Landscape simplification, like some agrotechnical treatments, eliminates many animal and plant species. Enriching the landscape with mid-field plantings, balks, ponds, grassy environments, etc. increases the species richness of animals and plants.