Farm Management

Sustainable farm production

The profitability of a farm, especially in the long term, even over many generations, can only be maintained by respecting its resources. The basis for sustainability is the optimisation of work and production processes for sustainable profitability, and not merely short-term profit maximisation based on resource consumption, as in a predatory economy.

Sustainable agricultural production requires care for sustainable soil fertility, consistent application of good plant protection practices, water, air and biodiversity conservation, respecting the role of local communities. This requires knowledge and skills in implementing these principles, as well as the use of appropriate production and organisational procedures. Awareness of what sustainable agriculture is essential in order to accurately identify the right actions to lead the farm to long-term profitability, based on necessary costs and optimal income. By applying all the good principles of crop and livestock production, we will almost achieve the realisation of sustainable agriculture – but in addition, we need to bear in mind sustainable financial stability, which does not mean maximising but optimising income. Add to this the care of the farm’s environment, both environmental and social, and you have the realisation of sustainable agriculture. On the practical side: when analysing the situation of a farm and mapping out its path towards the implementation of sustainable agriculture principles, the needs for change must be identified and determined. Then a list of necessary actions, their implementation time, the way of introducing and checking the implementation of the various steps must be established, as they will form the foundation of the farm’s business plan.